Thursday, December 26, 2019

Depiction Of Cellphones Evolution - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 834 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/31 Category Technology Essay Level High school Tags: Cell Phone Essay Did you like this example? Cellphones Evolution In this day and age having a smartphone is extremely common thing that everyone around the world share. However, this new generation dont know that if it wasnt for Martin Cooper the inventor of the first mobile phone, cellphones wouldnt be where they are now. Â  By 1973, the year where digital cameras, laptops, and the internet didnt exist. Martin Cooper was already working on the development of making the first cell phone working as a general manager for Motorolas Communications System Division. He claims he was inspired one day while watching Star Trek when he saw Captain Kirk use his communicator. He then worked on it till one day in 1983 he made his first phone call from his mobile phone to his buddy at ATT and told him Motorola was going to change the game. The first mobile cellphone he made was the Motorola Dynamic 8000x that weighed about 2.5 pounds with just one single line coming in and a text only LED screen, being as big as it was battery life only lasted for about 20 minutes. It went for about four thousand dollars to consumers, and at that time only celebrities were able to really afford the phone. In his mind, he wanted everyone to own a phone in the near future. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Depiction Of Cellphones Evolution" essay for you Create order Demand on cellphones was becoming more and more popular to the general public that by 1990 the 2G digital cellular network was invented and more cellphone tower sites were starting to pop up. Around this same time the first SMS was sent as well. Fast forward to 2001 Japan was the first country to have a 3G network while the US followed by 2003. According to Tim Brookes 3G transformed the mobile phone industry and enabled widespread mobile internet and transmission services like TV and radio. Once these innovators from cellphone companies saw the fast progress they were making with 3G they were ready to get into the next step. They knew they were just getting better but even their highest speed wasnt attainable unless you were in the right spot at the right time. By this time SMS and the internet was very popular so they were trying very hard for to come with a faster network which was 4G LTE. Most cellphone companies today offer LTE or 4G LTE. Though they both are faster than 3G network. 4G offers consumers that stream TV or music faster speed while 4G LTE is a type of technology that delivers the fastest speed. The only problem is that it is not offered by every carrier and before purchasing a cellphone with that network you would have to check that carriers coverage map and you would have to be in an area where they must support it according to Angela Stringfellow. Not only did the technological part of the cellphone change but the physical design itself. cellphones back then were very bulky and heavy as the first computers. But like computers and laptops cellphones have gotten relatively smaller. Once cellphones became mainstreamed in the 90s customers complained about cellphones being too small and the buttons being too big that it interfered with everything else but with the time passing their perception changed and they requested smaller and sleeker phones. Now a day they have a huge variety when it comes to phones, most have larger screens with less buttons or no buttons at all giving it a more personal laptop feel to it. With the cell phone in itself developing so rapidly, now we are able to use it while were driving hands-free by simply speaking into something we have now call Siri, we can ask it to send a text or a call, even as far as telling it play a song without even putting our hands on our mobile phones. We are also able to take professional pictures because of the advancement camera phones have made. Before we had to have a digital camera to be able to take quality pictures. Creators then started playing around megapixels and sensors to create better quality pictures in the cellphone. Lens quality, image signal processor and the camera software plays a huge part in the camera quality as well. And according to the book Converging Media Director Malik Bendyellow used his iPhone to finish shooting a movie he was filming because he had run out of money to pay for 8mm film. Thats when they knew cellphones were going to be revolutionary. Lastly, we can all agree that cellphones have come a long way from being a bulky one line text only screen, to where we were able to do basic things like send texts and take ok quality pictures till now where they are more sleeker and have less buttons and still be able to stream videos and music, take great quality pictures, download apps, facetime with one or multiple people at a time. So many great things we got out of the invention of the cellphone and the future holds a lot more.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Historical Heritage And Regional Identity - 1732 Words

When does the symbol of someone’s historical heritage and regional identity become unacceptable due to the same symbol being found offensive and representative of the oppressed heritage of someone else? Recently at the University of Mississippi the topic as to continue flying the state flag was put to a vote. The Associated Student Body voted to remove the flag from any and all buildings on campus; the chancellor ultimately decided that the Associated Student Body was right in this decision. The appropriateness of the Confederate flag has become a major point of dispute in this country. In the state of Mississippi, however, the argument is complicated by the fact that the state flag itself incorporates the Confederate flag into its†¦show more content†¦These people believe it’s preventing businesses and athletes from coming to our state, and that it’s time for a change. The critics of the state flag have pushed for the Confederate symbol to be remov ed from the state flag for many years before it became a hot topic at the University of Mississippi. People who oppose the current state flag believe the Confederate design embodies the evil that was the southern states before and during the Civil War (International Business Times). Mississippi is one of the last states, which were a part of the Confederate States of America; to remove the Confederate symbols from representative objects (Confederate Flag Debate CNN). The University of Mississippi is the fourth college in the state to stop flying the state flag on campus (Ole Miss Student Senate). The symbol of the Confederate Battle Flag has been adopted as a representation of groups who resort to nefarious actions to promote a malicious agenda. The original intent of promoting the heritage represented by the flag has been replaced by racist and oppressive actions perpetuated by its banner. Many people have had negative experiences with the Confederate symbol. One man recounts a time when he first saw the Confederate flag as an indication of hate; he remembers being about twelve years old watching Ku Klux Klan members entomb an acquaintance while carrying the Confederate flag (Confederate Flag Debate CNN). The University of Mississippi’s student body has just

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Pathophysiology on Cardiogenic Shock free essay sample

Cardiogenic shock is characterized by the heart’s acute inability to deliver the amount of oxygen that the peripheral tissues and organs demand. [DCCN 2008] Patho psychology of Cardiogenic Shock When a critical mass of ventricular myocardium becomes ischemic or necrotic, the ventricular pump fails, and there is a decrease in stroke volume and cardiac output. Decreased stroke volume causes increased filling pressures and wall tension for the left ventricle, with a corresponding increase in myocardial oxygen demand. The increased filling pressures are reflected back into the left atrium and the pulmonary vasculature, leading to vascular congestion and pulmonary oedema with impaired gas exchange. The acute decrease in cardiac output can result in multi organ failure and systemic inflammation. As hypotension occurs because of the decrease in cardiac output, the aortic diastolic pressure is also decreased, compromising the coronary artery perfusion and decreasing oxygen delivery to the myocardium. With a decrease in cardiac output, the heart rate increases, further decreasing diastolic time. We will write a custom essay sample on Pathophysiology on Cardiogenic Shock or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In response to the decrease in cardiac output, there are several compensatory mechanisms that activated. The sympathetic nervous system causes an increase in heart rate and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) in an attempt to increase blood pressure and maintain cardiac output, whereas the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system causes the retention of sodium and water to increase blood volume and preload. Tachycardia further compromises coronary perfusion as well as the perfusion to the left ventricle. The pre-existing ischemia is worsened, and the downward spiral that characterizes cardiogenic shock begins.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Dangerous Allure of the 70

Problem Identification In everything that one sets to do, there is need to ensure that it is done in the expected manner. Acting within expectation is what defines an accomplished worker from an ineffective individual.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of the increasing demand in every sector of the economy, there is always the need to work beyond the planned timeline. It would be appropriate that the workforce appreciates the importance of this. However, a crop of individuals has developed a character that is very dangerous to their well-being. These individuals work in excess of 70 hours per week. Some go beyond this to work for about 100 hours a week. Hewlett and Luce (2006) note with concern that some go overboard to work for a record 120 hours a week. Although it is a sure way of becoming rich, the practice comes with so me serious consequences. Such individuals, irrespective of their gender, put their health at risk. Cunningham (2000) cautions that taking much time without rest and exercise makes the body vulnerable to various health complications. Besides this, an individual who does not allocate his time appropriately between work and family would create an environment where their families would lose touch with him or her. Another concern that this current trend has is the inability to manage other social duties. Individuals who take almost all their available time on career related issues may find themselves being social misfits in the society. Cunningham (2000) observes that they may excel in their offices and workplaces but may not be in a position to respond to other social concerns.Advertising Looking for case study on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Situation Analysis The current generation worker force is industrious and is always determined to accomplish duties at hand before the set time so that they get into other duties. However, the situation as it stands now is very dangerous. Many executives are working beyond the normal set time. This trend cuts across professions and sectors of the economy. As one climbs the career ladder, the need to do more than the normal duty increases. It is understandable that the current corporate world is placing a lot of pressure on few selected individuals in their quest for a leaner workforce. However, it is not appropriate that one is allocated duties that would completely make him or her lack time at all for the family. Giddens (2009) says that some duties would turn an individual into a zombie. One works without the realization that there is a family to take care of. This has seen many families break. Some spouses may not withstand a scenario where they are not given any time with their partners. This explains in part the reason behind the recent rise of single parenthood, especially among the corporate men and women. Children who find themselves in such situations grow up to be very irresponsible. They lack parental care that every child would require for a normal growth. Other than the social consequences, one exposes himself or herself to many health risks by taking much of his or her time on various duties related to their career. As Hewlett and Luce (2006) report, some people would work in excess of 120 hours in a week. On average, this leaves an individual with approximately six hours per day to commute, eat, and socialize. This on average leaves an individual with about two to three hours to sleep. As Andrzej and Buchaman (2007) observe, it is important that an individual sleep for at least six hours a day. Taking two hours to sleep would make one develop serious health complications. Coupled with the fact that in some of the cases an individual may take most of the time seated, one would be exposed to both physical and menta l dangers. If the body were not given time to relax and exercise, then it would fatigue and develop complications that would be avoided if proper measures were taken.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Recommendation It is recommended that one should make an effort to ensure that his or her responsibility is undertaken within the right time and with precision that is expected. However, it would not be appropriate if one engages in duties that cause total neglect to the family. One’s career is important but it should not be overemphasized at the expense of the family. There should be a balance between the two. Below are some of the ways in which one can ensure that he or she strikes a balance between social issues and job related duties. Planning is the main tool that an individual can use to ensure that he or she balances soci al duties and work. An individual should take time to lay down duties before him or her. The individual can then look at the time available to achieve the obligations. The individual should allocate time to each work in a way that would still allow him or her to obtain some time to be back to the family and meet some other social obligations. The planning would help an individual know the amount of time that would be required to meet various obligations. After making the plan, it is highly advisable that such an individual strictly sticks to it so that no obligation is given more time than was planned. Although this may force one to take lesser time at workplace, it is the only way of managing the attention needed at work and at home. Taking duties that are within one’s scope is another technique that can be applied to manage time. It is good to be ambitious. However, there is need for one to understand his or her scope. It is important that an individual appreciate his or he r limits beyond which working will be strenuous. After this realization, it would be necessary that the individual take duties that are within his scope. It would help in avoiding circumstances where one is forced to work beyond the limits, forcing one to shelve time that would be spent with the family.Advertising Looking for case study on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The family is just as important as the career. As one aspires to achieve the best out of his or her career, it is important to note that the family also has a place. Neglecting one’s career would be dangerous as it may lead to poor yields, a fact that may lead to consequences that one could not have prepared for at work place. Similarly, assuming the family would lead to lose of touch between the parent and the family. Children need parental attention in order to develop normally. If this is reality is not identified, such children may develop to be irresponsible individuals in society who are not what the parents would have expected them to be. References Andrzej, A., Buchaman, A. (2007). Organizational Behavior. London: Prentice Hall. Cunningham, B. (2000). The stress management sourcebook. Los Angeles: Free Press. Giddens, A. (2009). The consequences of modernity. Malden: Blackwell Publishers. Hewlett, A., Luce, C. (2006). Extreme Jobs: The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hou r Workweek. Harvard Business Publishing Corporation. This case study on The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek was written and submitted by user Madilynn Cortez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Patrilineal vs. Matrilineal Succession

Patrilineal vs. Matrilineal Succession Patrilineal societies, those that connect generations through the father’s line, dominate the world’s culture. And most sociologists would argue that we still live for the most part under a patriarchy, in which men serve as heads of almost every important social, cultural, and political institution. But a few cultures throughout history were matrilineal and therefore connected generations through the mother’s line. These cultures included many Native Americans, certain South Americans, and the Spanish and French Basque. And although matrilineal law is not codified in the Torah, the Jewish Oral Tradition as written in the Mishnah outlines an overwhelmingly matrilineal society: a child of a Jewish mother is always Jewish, regardless of the faith of the father. Patrilineal Succession For most of history, patrilineal succession (a patrilyny) dominated family units. Names, property, titles, and other valuables were traditionally passed on through a male line. Females did not inherit, unless there were no male heirs. Even then, distant male relatives would inherit over close female relatives like daughters.  Property passed from father to daughter indirectly, usually through dowries on a daughter’s marriage, which was paid to and came under the control of her husband or her husband’s father or another male relative. Matrilineal Succession In matrilineal succession, women inherited titles and names from their mothers, and passed them down to their daughters. Matrilineal succession did not necessarily mean that women held the power and property and titles. Sometimes, men in matrilineal societies were the ones who inherited, but they did so through their mother’s brothers, and passed their own inheritances along to their sisters’ children. The Role of Women in Promoting Patrilyny While most theorists believe that patriarchal systems came to dominate both Western and non-Western cultures through the use of force, social anthropologist Audrey Smedley’s research with the Birom people of Nigeria led her to posit that it might, in fact, be women themselves who willingly invented many features of the patrilyny. Furthermore, she argues, men’s roles are actually more constricted than women’s roles, and that women have significant decision-making within such organization. Moving Away From the Patrilyny In many ways, modern western culture has adopted more matrilineal-like structures, especially in poor communities where men are marginalized for other cultural reasons- race or immigration status, for instance.  The modern American imprisonment of a large percentage of the black male population means that many children do not have as much contact with fathers and other male relatives. So too have various property rights laws over the past several hundred years served to diminish the control that men have over women’s inherited property and women’s right to choose who inherits their property. In western cultures, it has become more common for women to keep their birth names after marriage, even if a substantial percentage of those women give their husband’s name to their children. And even if adhering to some version of  Salic law  has long prevented royal daughters from becoming  queens regnant, many monarchies have or are beginning to abolish the strict patrilineal assumptions in inheriting royal titles and power.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Biography of Homer Plessy, Civil Rights Activist

Biography of Homer Plessy, Civil Rights Activist Homer Plessy (1862-1925) is best known as the plaintiff in the 1896 Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson, in which he challenged Louisianas Separate Car Act. As the son of free people of color with mostly European ancestry, Plessy used his racially ambiguous appearance to challenge racial segregation on a Louisiana train, cementing his legacy as a civil rights activist. Fast Facts: Homer Plessy Full Name: Homà ¨re Patrice Adolphe PlessyKnown For: Civil rights activist who challenged racial segregation policies. Plaintiff in U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896Born: March 17, 1863 in New Orleans, LouisianaDied: March 1, 1925 in Metairie, LouisianaParents: Joseph Adolphe Plessy, Rosa Debergue Plessy, and Victor M. Dupart (stepfather) ï » ¿Early Years Homer Plessy was born Homà ¨re Patrice Adolphe Plessy to French-speaking parents Joseph Adolphe Plessy and Rosa Debergue Plessy. Germain Plessy, his paternal grandfather, was a white man born in Bordeaux, France, who moved to New Orleans after the Haitian Revolution in the 1790s. He and his wife, Catherine Mathieu, a free woman of color, had eight children, including Homer Plessy’s father. Joseph Adolphe Plessy died in the late 1860s when Homer was a small boy. In 1871, his mother remarried Victor M. Dupart, a U.S. Post Office clerk and shoemaker. Plessy followed in his stepfather’s footsteps, working as a shoemaker at a business called Patricio Britos during the 1880s, and he also worked in other capacities, including as an insurance agent. Outside of work, Plessy was an active member of his community. In 1887, Plessy served as vice president of the Justice, Protective, Educational, and Social Club, a New Orleans organization focused on public education reform. The following year, he married Louise Bordenave at St. Augustine Church. He was 25 and his bride was 19. The couple lived in the Tremà © neighborhood, now an important historic site for African-American and Crà ©ole culture.   At age 30, Plessy joined Comità © des Citoyens, which translates to Citizens’ Committee. The racially mixed organization advocated for civil rights, a topic that had interested Plessy since childhood, when his stepfather had been an activist involved in the 1873 Unification Movement to foster racial equality in Louisiana. When the time came for Plessy to make a sacrifice to fight injustice, he did not back away. Challenging Jim Crow The leadership of Comità © des Citoyens asked Plessy if he would be willing to challenge one of Louisianas Jim Crow laws by boarding the white section of a train car. The group wanted him to make the move to challenge the Separate Car Act, a law passed in 1890 by the Louisiana State Legislature which required blacks and whites to board â€Å"equal but separate† train cars. Article in the Daily Picayune, New Orleans, announcing the arrest of (Homer) Adolphe Plessy for violation of railway racial segregation law. The case would go to the US Supreme Court as Plessy v. Ferguson.   Public Domain / Daily Picayune, New Orleans, June 9, 1892 Louisiana’s Separate Car Act required â€Å"all railway companies carrying passengers on their trains, in this State, to provide equal but separate accommodations for the white and colored races, by providing separate coaches or compartments so as to secure separate accommodations, defining the duties of the officers of such railways; directing them to assign passengers to the coaches or compartments set aside for the use of the race to which such passengers belong.† On February 4, 1892, on a first attempt to challenge the law, civil rights activist Daniel Desdunes, son of Rodolphe Desdunes, one of Comità © des Citoyens’ founders, bought a ticket for a white passenger car on a train headed out of Louisiana. The Comità © des Citoyens lawyers hoped to argue that the Separate Car Act was unconstitutional, but Desdunes’ case was ultimately dismissed because Judge John H. Ferguson said the law didn’t apply to interstate travel. Plessy v. Ferguson The Comità © des Citoyens lawyers wanted Plessy to test the law next, and they made sure to have him travel on an intrastate train. On June 7, 1892, Plessy bought a ticket on the East Louisiana Railroad and boarded a white passenger car after the conductor was told Plessy was part-black. Plessy was arrested after just 20 minutes, and his attorneys argued that his civil rights had been violated, citing both the the 13th and 14th amendments. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and the 14th includes the Equal Protection Clause, which prevents the State from denying â€Å"to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Despite this argument, both the Louisiana Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court, in the landmark 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, ruled that Plessy’s rights had not been violated and that Louisiana was within its rights to uphold a â€Å"separate but equal† way of life for blacks and whites. To avoid jail time, Plessy paid a $25 fine, and the Comità © des Citoyens disbanded. Later Years and Legacy After his unsuccessful Supreme Court case, Homer Plessy resumed his quiet life. He had three children, sold insurance for a living, and remained an active part of his community. He died at the age 62. Unfortunately, Plessy did not live to see the impact his act of civil disobedience had on civil rights. While he lost his case, the decision was reversed by the 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education. In this critical ruling, the high court concluded that â€Å"separate but equal† policies violated the rights of people of color, be it in schools or in other capacities. A decade later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed racial segregation in public places as well as employment discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or country of origin. Plessy’s contributions to civil rights have not been forgotten. In his honor, the Louisiana House of Representatives and the New Orleans City Council established Homer Plessy Day, first observed on June 7, 2005. Four years later, Keith Plessy, the great-grandson of Homer Plessy’s first cousin, and Phoebe Ferguson, a descendant of Judge John H. Ferguson, started the Plessy Ferguson Foundation to educate the public about the historic case. That year, a marker was also placed at Press and Royal streets, where Plessy was arrested for boarding a whites-only passenger car. Sources Barnes, Robert. â€Å"Plessy and Ferguson: Descendants of a Divisive Supreme Court Decision Unite.† The Washington Post, June 5, 2011.â€Å"Plessy v. Ferguson: Who Was Plessy?†â€Å"A Brief History of the Evolution of the Case.† Plessy Ferguson Foundation.â€Å"1892: Homer Plessys train ride makes history in New Orleans.† The Times-Picayune, Sept. 27, 2011.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Individual Write-Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Individual Write-Up - Essay Example The need to have someone with a good experience at this activity reflected in all of us and one can easily understand why while they continue on the journey to the peak of the mountain. The timing was right, the season was one that would encourage climbing and there was limited snow at the time making it very hot and requiring less thick clothes. World animals also less populated the mountain hence eliminating the fears of the wild. The courage of the group members made a whole lot of effort in encouraging the rest of the group and this made the experience both worthwhile and exhilarating though somehow scary. Challenges and perseverance of putting ones hands on the rocks and ensuring their feet grip well on the rocks makes mountain climbing a wonderful experience (Green, n.d). Mountain climbing as an experience made a lot of adventure sense to the writer with less of its experience to boost of; the particular experience was worth trying. The anticipation that grew each day waiting the particular weekend when we were to try out this adventurous activity was filled with anticipation of what to expect and how the day will end. The fear of heights made it more thrilling. As one of the first experiences of heights, the writer had to ensure that they were ready for it before embarking on it. Each day that went by had more and more anticipation grow. Talks of those that had experience and the desires of those without made up the source of anticipation. The desire to beat ones fears and reach places they only though would remain admired but never reached motivated the writer to think of what to expect from the adventure. Many stories surround mountain climbing as an adventure both good and bad stories. These only served to sharpen the desire of the writer to experience this side of life. The anticipation grows more and more each day and only gets to